Has Morocco become a Haven for illegal immigrants?

Bandits - travellers nightmare in Northern Mali

Libyan women keep hope … Despite difficulties

Traditional Sharia judiciary substitutes civil judiciary in Malian desert

Caution dominates Sirte in Libya

Mauretania, Nouadhibou; when the good of fish flour turns bad

Editor's choice

Bandits; travellers’ nightmare in Northern Mali

Travellers on routes between Northern Malian cities and “In Khalil” town on the borders with Algeria are increasingly having to deal with road bandits...

Mauretania, Nouadhibou; when the good of fish flour turns bad.

Just a few years ago, Nouadhibou was a city with great prospect; lovely clean beaches with a great touristic future. That was the case until 2010, whe...

Caution dominates Sirte in Libya

A month has passed since the downfall of ISIS in Sirte, and the dominance of the Libyan army. The city has not yet started to put the devastating war ...

Has Morocco become a “haven” for illegal immigrants?

In a time where crossing from the southern shores of the African continent to the European shores in the north, has become immensely difficult, Morocc...

Editor's choice


Dune Voices is a project of the Media Diversity Institute (MDI) that specialises in providing reliable, in depth, well investigated feature stories from the Sahara, covering topics such as conflict, security, women, youth, ethnic and religious minorities, as well many other issues, that give a voice to marginalised groups and ordinary people inhabiting the Sahara region, and often forgotten by the mainstream media. Visit media-diversity.org


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